Tips for Choosing the Right Layton, Utah Property Management Company

Tips for Choosing the Right Layton, Utah Property Management Company

The average cost of rent in Layton is $1267. You may think this means you could make big bucks as a Layton property owner. That's not necessarily the case.

Property management can take a lot out of your rental profits. You may lose even more profits if you're not a skilled property manager.

Luckily, you don't have to worry about being underskilled in Layton, Utah property management. You can hire a company to handle your property management for you.

However, you have to choose the right company to get the best results. Read on to get some tips on how to do this.

Consider What You Need

Do you want the property management company to handle everything (full service) or only part of your needs (partial service)? If you want the latter, what do you want your property managers to handle? These are the questions you need to ask to find the company that can give you what you need.

Different property management companies will offer different services. Partial service companies may not offer the exact services you want. Write down the tasks you want managers to handle and match them to a company.

Here are some examples of tasks property managers can take off your hands:

  • Rent collection
  • Tenant screening
  • Marketing properties
  • Tracking and paying taxes
  • Creating and following budgets
  • Keeping track of landlord-tenant laws
  • Creating, signing, and renewing leases
  • Handling property repairs and maintenance

Consider the Business Size

Your small mom-and-pop property managers will be cheap. They can also be effective when they're handling a few properties at once. However, their effectiveness can lessen when they take on too many properties at once.

Bigger places should have the tech and manpower to effectively handle more properties. Do you have several properties you want them to manage? Then you should choose a bigger property management company.

However, bigger companies can take on too much work at once. Ask each company how many projects they have. If they seem too busy, you may want to choose someone else.

Consider the Company's Reputation

The best way to know a company's effectiveness is to read customer reviews. You should be able to find some of these on companies' sites. Review sites such as Google Customer Reviews can also have these.

Another way to learn about a company's reputation is to ask around. Are you part of a real estate investing social media group? Ask the people there about the property management companies they've used.

Try Our Utah Property Management Services

Follow these steps so you can get the right Layton, Utah property management company. You can then rest easy knowing that your properties are in good hands.

Do you need Layton, Utah lease management and/or other property management services? If so, consider hiring us. We serve Davis County and several of the surrounding communities.

Get started with us by receiving a free rental analysis of your property today. Just enter one of your property's address in the indicated box on this page.
